EHA Design, Inc.
284 North Street
Weston, MA 02493

What you don't know can cost you!

Shoveling Snow Can Damage Your Roof

Due to the unusual amount of snow in recent years shoveling snow from roof has become a necessity.  It will help prevent the worst from occurring.  In Massachusetts alone there have been almost 150 reported cases of roofs collapsing under the incredible snow loads we have seen in he last couple of years.


So you went and hired a contractor and all the snow is now off your roof.  You are feeling really good about yourself.  Your building is safe.. ..   .   Or is it?   


The workers removing the snow will try to remove only the top layer. But accidents do happen. When they do the worker will most likely not even know that they have damaged the roof.  In many cases leaks will not show up until much later and only after a significant amount of water has entered your roof. Most membrane roofs will partially re seal when damaged making the damage hard to see.  Many times leaks will not occur until the snow on the roof has had a chance to melt or during the next rain storm.  


Most flat roofs are protected by rubber membranes that are .060 inches thick  (about 1/16th of an inch)Many use thinner membranes that can be as thin as .045” (about 1/22nd of an inch).  While these membranes are very good at keeping the water out they are not designed to withstand the mechanical forces imposed during snow removal.  They can easily be damaged by the sharp edges of snow shovels and snow blowers.


So now what do you do?  We recommend that you have an infrared scan of your roof performed.  This will allow you to “see” any damage to the roof before large amounts of water has a chance to get into the roof and cause more serious damage.   

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For pricing or further information please contact

EHA Design, Inc.


781.472.2699 - During Business Hours

339-222-2003 - Nights and Weekends


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