EHA Design, Inc.
284 North Street
Weston, MA 02493

Roof Replacement Combined With A New Solar Energy Farm
Haverhill, MA
EHA Design Is Proud
To Have Been Given The Opportunity
By Leewood Reality To Contribute To This Project.

In 2001 the economic climate dictated the need for more preservation and restoration.  EHA Design was formed as the building restoration group with in Eisenberg Haven Architects, the longest continually operated architectural firm in the city of Boston.  EHA Design specialized in building envelope preservation and restoration the focus was to assist owners in those tough economic times.

In 2016 EHA Design was incorporated allowing us to better serve or clients with our continued common sense  approach that integrates restoration with modern design.
Economy Dictates Reuse and Restoration
Starting in 2001 Owners started looking for alternatives to "Business as Usual". This has resulted in many taking a second look at existing facilities with an eye for adapting what they have to meet there changing needs.   >>More<<