Orchids Name List

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Revised, August 24, 2005

Did not bloom in 2005 are Yellow

Plants that have died are Purple


1. Tom Skilling ‘Bryan’s Hero
2. Golden Buddah Halo x Malibu Imp ‘Golden Eagle’
3. violacea ‘Brother’ x violacea ‘Poken’
4. Ever-spring Spots

5. No name
6. Andy’s Dazzler ‘Carol’
7. Luminescent Zuma Canyon x Carmela’s Spots ‘Bonsell’
8. Golden Bear
9. Golden Pride
10. Lippergruss x Mary Tuazo
11. D. Cold Happy ‘Sunripe’
12. Golden Sun x amboinensis ‘Orange’ (2002)
13. Luminescent Galen Vasquez x Mexicana ‘Malibu Beach’

14. Misty Green x Coral Isle ‘Red Sun’
15. Lady Lucka ‘Snow’
16. D. Zuma White Puff ‘Bonnie Vasquez’ x venosa ‘Zuma Canyon’ *
17. Capella Sultan x Freed Danseuse
18. Universal Pride ‘Papa’
19. Spuyten Duyvil ‘Zuma Beach x venosa ‘Zuma Canyon’ *

20. Pink Zebra ‘Zumita’ x Yolanda Josefa Wever ‘Sierra Vasquez’
21. Salu Golden x Big Rose (Taiwan)
22. Stuartiana Zumita x Larkin Valley

23. (Auckland Sentra x Salu Beauty) x CH Prince (Taiwan)
24. D. I-Hsin Mark (Taiwan)
25. No name

26. (Chiayi Queen-Ching Her Princess) x Sogo John (Tiawan)
27. Little Emperor ‘Orange’ (2002)
28. Auckland Sentra x Salu Peoker (Taiwan)
29. Ching Her Buddha x Chingruey’s Pride (Taiwan)

30. Tokyo Bride x Silky Moon *
31. Hain Red Beauty x City Girl *
32. Ever-spring King ‘Red Face’
33. Rousserole ‘Taida’
34. Ludisia discolor ‘Dawsoniana"
35. Chamonix ‘ZC’ x D. White Wonder Z. Giant

36. Orchid World ‘Joe’
37. Brother Goldsmith ‘Orchis’ (2002)
38. Ever-spring Light ‘Orchis’ (2002)
39. Ever-spring King ‘King Dragon’ (2002)
40. China Best Girl ‘Double Ten’ (2002)
41. Nancy Am ‘OK’x Dorothy’s Pearls, lg white
42. Sogo Musadian, lg white
43. Big Peoker x Haur Jin Diamond, harlequin?
44. Chingruey’s Tiger x Haur Jin Diamond, harlequin?
45. Sogo John x Haur Jin Diamond, md yellow, red lines/spots
46. Aukland Sentra x Haur Jin Diamond, harlequin?
48. Chingruey’s Sika Deer, lg yellow, big red spots

49. Haur Jin Princes, harlequin, yellow, large purple blotches
50. Dou-dii Spot x Ching Her Prince, sm yellow, red spots
51. Chingruey Beauty, yellow, red spots
52. Hannover Passion ‘CR’, yellow, broad red bars
53. Orchid World ‘Bonnie Vasquez’, yellow, red bars and lower sepals
54. Dtps. Minho Princess “Watercolor Artist”, white, purple splashes on edges
55(2). Sogo David ‘Stars’, yellow, red concentric bars
56. Sogo Benz ‘Sogo’, pale yellow, red lip
56D. Defective plant of 56.
57. Tsuei You Beauty ‘Mauto’, yellow, French dots, red lip
58. Sogo Rose ‘Joy No. 7’, rose purple
59. Unknown candy stripe, crown rot
60. Brother Lawrence ‘Montclair’, pale yellow, white center
61. Sweetheart, sm blue, white tips
62. ‘Stars’, deep purple
63. Brother Sara Gold ‘peach’, peach with tiny pink dots, pink lip and center
64. Dtps Leonard Prince ‘Norman’ x Brother Lawrence ‘Montclair, pale pink, pink dot, yellow center
65. I-Hsin Salmon ‘Joy No. 3’, orange, yellow lip

41-50 purchased August, 2003
51-59 purchased July 2004
60-65 purchased August 2005