PINOY BEEF STEW? (beef apritada)
2 lbs beef - thinly sliced - 1 inch square by 1/8" thick (approximately)
4 med size potatoes peeled and thickly sliced
3 med size carrots peeled thickly sliced
1 red bell pepper cut into wide strips
2 cans tomato sauce (4 small cans)
1 frozen pack green peas
1 onion (large or 2 small)
½ cup oil
dash of salt
Sautee onion in oil. Add beef. Stir until beef is cooked (turns white). Add tomato sauce, potatoes, carrots and green peas. Bring to a boil then simmer for 40 minutes stirring occasionally. Salt to taste. Add red pepper and simmer for another 15 minutes or until beef is very tender. Serve over rice. Serves 6
Serve with / on Sticky Rice.